
i set out to bring an object to the world that people could hold and know just how brave and strong they already are.

i thought back over my life to see if i ever had anything that carried that feeling, and it was my grandfather Earl’s bandanas. and the idea was born.

at first, i tried to do it ALL myself, one of my tragic flaws. the drawing, making and dyeing, ironing and screenprinting...

very quickly, thank goodness, i found support in some of these areas. namely the screenprinting (i was REALLY bad at it).

as we have grown, my dedication to domestic production led me to a mill in south carolina that uses southern grown cotton and a cut and sew house that would use that cotton to make gorgeous squares for us (it’s harder than it sounds). and an amazing screenprinting partner that took a chance on a new product.

the early days of folding and packaging. i'd buy the food and drinks and my pals and kids would sit around and work!

even my dad, Rich, got involved!

my mom, Karen, has been with me every step of the way, even late nights at the laundromat. thanks mama!

for a good long while, we lived amongst stacks and stacks of bandanas at the house.

in the early days, we picked up steam so quickly that i had to call in the reserves. ALL the reserves.

friends and family came together with me to check corners, dye, wash, iron, clip, fold and package. i couldn’t have done it without any of them!

these people have helped me lay a foundation for the is community because they believe in the mission of this business. they believe that we can help people take more courageous steps in their lives.

i have SO much gratitude for each of them and of ALL of you! this company is the culmination of all of us championing each other to be brave.

we are certain that when you listen closety to your beautiful, wild heart, and have the moxie to act on it’s behalf, your dreams will start to come true. only you can hear that whisper through, so it’s up to you to blaze the trail.

and we will be right here rooting for ya!

when i started this company, i dyed six bandanas at a time on my kitchen stove.

i hand draw each bandana with an empowering mantra in mind. i love working symbols into the designs.

i used to spend two nights a week at the laundromat. boy, did i get some weird looks draggin’ bags full of bandanas in the door.

it’s awesome being able to offer colors that feel so vintage and custom, mixing each color myself.

these are no ordinary bandanas, folks...

these are TALISMANS of bravery and adventure. each one is made with you in mind. that's right, YOU.

we are squeezing conviction and COURAGE into each one, right along with the dye, so you can define your life on YOUR TERMS.

we begin with 100% COTTON that is grown and milled right here in the south. our sew house in south carolina cuts and sews the cotton into 22Ó squares of soft, PURE cotton. then it comes to us in winston-salem, north carolina. after a good wash to breakdown the carding and starch, we DYE each one BY HAND.

we infuse our authenticity, strength and MOXIE into the fabric. and here they are, waiting for you.

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